NuTerra Team
Suhjung Kim
(Team Leader / Business Analyst)
Edward Yoon
(Sociologist / Chemist)
Hyeonmin Hong
(Environmental Scientist / Designer)
Our Story
Our team came together with a shared passion for addressing the pressing issue of soil salinization. Suhjung Kim, our team leader and business analyst led the market research and business analysis necessary to build a successful venture. Edward Yoon, our team’s sociologist and chemist, contributed his expertise and personal experience to spearhead our lab experiments and data analysis, ensuring the safety and reliability of NuTerra’s solution. Hyeonmin Hong, our environmental scientist and chief designer, brought our visions to life, putting NuTerra Solutions on the map for the public eye. United by our commitment to sustainable agriculture, NuTerra Solutions strives to make a lasting impact on solving soil salinity and food scarcity.